Cam as Feminine
Below is a link (Cam Running) to an edited scene from Season 3 when someone rear-ends Cam and Mitchell. The person that hits them leaves the scene so Cam tries to run after him. He looks very uncoordinated and is throwing his hands in the air. This scene definitely reinforces the stereotypes of a typical gay man because Cam looks and sounds very flamboyant.
Cam is also seen as feminine in this conversation:
Cam: There's nothing gays hate more than being treated like women. Okay? We don't want to go to your baby shower, we don't have a time of the month, and we don't love pink.
Mitchell: You love pink.
Cam: No, pink loves me. (Season 2, Episode 21)
Cam is also seen as feminine in this conversation:
Cam: There's nothing gays hate more than being treated like women. Okay? We don't want to go to your baby shower, we don't have a time of the month, and we don't love pink.
Mitchell: You love pink.
Cam: No, pink loves me. (Season 2, Episode 21)
Who's the Mom?
I couldn't find a good quality clip of this Mother's Day scene but if you are a Modern Family fan this will make you laugh out loud (below labeled Mother's Day). It's one of my favorites. I wasn't really sure if this should be reinforcing or challenging the stereotype. I put it as reinforcing because Mitchell mentions how the other mothers don't have the right vocabulary for them so they need to claim one of them as the mom. It reinforces how society thinks that there needs to be a dominant and passive role in relationships.
"Boys Night Out"
Cam and Mitchell are very excited to go out with fellow gay friends to a very nice restaurant. They are really conforming to the gay stereotype as they drink martinis and talk loud and high about their boy crushes growing up. Jay, Mitchell’s father, happens to show up at the restaurant and everyone at the table says he should join them for a drink. Mitchell is really hesitant because he says he doesn’t want his dad to know how gay he really is and there has always been a part of him that he hides from his dad.
However, Jay begins drinking with them and starts telling jokes and laughing with all of them. Mitchell is very happy to be having such an open relationship with his father. I think this situation reinforces the stereotype that it is hard for gay people to come out to their families because they are afraid of rejection.
However, Jay begins drinking with them and starts telling jokes and laughing with all of them. Mitchell is very happy to be having such an open relationship with his father. I think this situation reinforces the stereotype that it is hard for gay people to come out to their families because they are afraid of rejection.